The proposal was ranked first amongst 38 submitted proposals to the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation. The funded project, named “COmfortable and REliable Intestinal Cancer SCREENing – CORE-SCREEN”, continues the development of AJM’s product, including in-vivo testing of the technology. It will cost a total of €588,200 whilst the Cyprus RIF grant will fund €0.5 Million of this. The first instalment was received in August.
AJM Med-i-Caps proudly announces that it won the 1st prize at the fourth MITEF Greece Startup Competition Finals. The Final Judging & Award Ceremony took place on Thursday, 28 June 2018, at the Central Amphitheater of NCSR “Demokritos” in Athens. During the event, the top 10 finalists of the MITEF Greece 2018 pitched live to an expert panel, which selected AJM Med-i-Caps as the competition's winner along with 2 runner-ups.
AJM MED-i-CAPS won 2nd Place at the 2017 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum organised by the University of Cyprus and The Hellenic Initiative. The event was supported by the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (MITEF Greece), PwC Cyprus and the USA embassy in Cyprus.
AJM MED-i-CAPS successfully pitched in the 3rd Annual Venture Fair 2017 of The Hellenic Initiative in a group of international and local investors from Greece, US, Europe, Australia and Canada. The event took place at the Athens Hilton on 29th June. The company was selected by a panel of judges as one of the finalists.